The story of your life is written into the tissues of your body.
The Tissue Release Practice or Protocol is founded on the principles of mindful tissue assessment and release. It incorporates passive and active flexibility practices as well as self-myofascial release techniques using an array of tools (manual therapy, a strap, foam roller and therapy balls), all the while following specific core principles that make this work unique.
The issue IS our tissue! Of the many injuries we experience, most are a result of restricted or unhealthy muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia – connective tissues.
This course will guide students through the various levels of assessment and techniques to address what is found.
Each lesson provides a comprehensive overview of the connected and segmented anatomy, the functions of each segment and techniques to release the tissues in the focus area.
This course would be beneficial for movement therapists, Yoga teachers, Personal Trainers, Somatic Therapists, AND anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the body and how to care for their own tissues.
The format of this course includes video-based instruction and practicum lectures, and comprehensive handouts.
• A Review and Practice of the Tissue Release Protocol
• Integrated Anatomy Overview For Each Segment
• Technique Breakdowns
• Advanced Training Opportunities
For students who choose to take this course for continuing education credits (units), an overall score of 80% on all quizzes given at the end of each segment is necessary to pass and get credit for this course.